For billing information, contact us at:
Log in to your platform www.amiPASS.com Or Call center option 2

Client Companies
If your company wants to contract AmiPASS services, contact us at:

Call center
You can contact us via our call centre from
Monday-Thursday 8:00am-19:00Hrs. Friday 8:00am-18:00Hrs.
- Consumers
- Merchants
- Companies
Questions about my orders
Once you download and open the application, you will be able to select a business from the list displayed on the home page. You may also search for a business using the available filters or simply by entering its name.
Choose the business you want and place your order!
Open the amiPASS app, and you will see a list of stores. You can also search for a specific address, and the app will show all the stores that use amiPASS near you, as well as the method of payment.
Our coverage is very wide. In the mobile app in the ‘local search’ section, you can find many stores - from supermarkets and grocery stores to restaurants, shops, cafes, bakeries, mini-markets and much more.
Just send the business information to us at hola@amipass.com or use the customer support links in the app, and we will contact you to register them into our network of stores so you can enjoy their products.
For now, it’s only possible to buy at one location per order.
Yes, you must enter your friend’s address, phone number and name of the person receiving the order.
There is no additional cost. You only need to pay the selected business’s order price.
Tips are voluntary and at the discretion of each user. If you want to tip the delivery person, you may do so at the time of the delivery.
delivery questions
To any address that falls under the coverage of an available location. Be sure to review shipping conditions before placing your order.
You will be asked to enter the delivery address after clicking on the business of your choice.
Quiere decir que el local que haz elegido no tiene cobertura en esa ubicación. Prueba con otros comercios asegurándote de que tengan activada la etiqueta «Delivery».
The estimated delivery time is provided by each business. Estimated times may vary due to demand, delivery driver availability, traffic, weather and/or other factors.
First, contact the business and ask for the status of your order. If they cannot provide a solution for you, you can contact us through any of our official communication channels, and we will happily resolve the situation for you.
Orders can be delivered to any neighborhood in Santiago.
payment questions
Our payment methods are:
1.AmiPASS card.
2. WebPay: Tarjeta de Crédito (Amex, Visa y MasterCard), Tarjeta de Débito y tarjetas de prepago.
Al acceder por primera vez a la aplicación podrás seleccionar desde el Home la opción «Pagar» WebPay OneClick, direccionará directamente a la pantalla de Transbank donde podrás registrar tus medios de pago Débito y Crédito.
When you register a new credit card in the amiPASS app, a temporary charge is made to verify the validity of the operation. The value is automatically returned to you in seconds.
Verify that the payment method you are using is among the payment methods enabled for your order.
Check that the information you entered when adding your card is correct.
Make sure that you have sufficient funds on your card to make the purchase.
Try making the payment with another credit or debit card.
Remember that paying by card allows you to control your expenses and manage returns easily. If you verified all of these items and are still unable to make the payment, you can choose to pay in cash upon receiving the order, or contact one of our customer service representatives to help you.
You can buy any product in the food and beverage category (as long as it is non-alcoholic).
You cannot use amiPASS with products that do not fall under the food and beverage category, such as cleaning and/or personal care products, tobacco, and others. The purchase of alcoholic beverages is also excluded.
You can only pay for food products with amiPASS. Check your shopping cart again. You may need to pay for the rest of the products with another method of payment in a separate purchase.
Yes, you can pay with a third-party credit card. If you use a third-party amiPASS card, you can make the payment, but the card information will not be saved in the system for security reasons.
questions about my account
From the main screen of the amiPASS app, click on the “Forgot your password?” link and follow the system instructions.
If you do not see an email in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder.
Be careful not to share your password with others.
Una vez que ingresas a la aplicación, en el Menú Drawer ubicado en la parte superior izquierda de la pantalla selecciona la opción «Mi perfil» y podrás actualizar tu nombre, apellido, género y fecha de nacimiento.
One of our main priorities is to provide a safe and secure platform that you can trust. What happened to your account? * I don’t recognize an order.* Someone else used my account.* I lost access to my email. Contact us at hola@amipass.com (or any other customer service channel) and provide us with details and supporting documents.
We will review what happened.
These movements are carried out by your employer or the municipality that grants the benefit. If you have any questions regarding a charge or withdrawal, contact the area in your company or the municipality directly.
Ante estas situaciones, por seguridad, debes bloquear tu tarjeta a través de la web www.amipass.com.
Food safety
Restaurants and delivery drivers are expected to adhere to food safety regulations and industry best practices when preparing or handling your order. Describe the food safety problem in detail. What was the safety problem? If applicable, how were you injured? Provide a photo of the time with the food safety problem. We will review the details and follow-up with you accordingly.
Questions about amiPASS
It’s a platform to buy a wide variety of food online - from sushi to snacks for your pantry. You have the option to deliver, pick up or dine-in.
Descarga la aplicación en tu celular Android (Play Store) o iOS (App Store), ingresa con tu usuario y clave de acceso, podrás declarar tus gustos seleccionando los de tu preferencia y registrar tu dirección, te mostraremos opciones donde comprar o inlcuso podrás buscarlo por nombre.
If the business has the shopping cart enabled, you will be able to choose items from the menu and place an order for delivery or pick-up. You will be able to pay with amiPASS or WebPay and enjoy your purchase in minutes.
EVERYONE! Anyone with an email can shop in the amiPASS app.
Returns Questions
As soon as the order is cancelled, the system automatically requests a refund to your account (the delay in time depends on the policies of your bank). If your purchase was made using amiPASS, the refund is automatic.
Transfer questions
Balance transfers can only be made between collaborators in the same company. In other words, both people must work for the same company.
Basic questions
We are your business’s best friend. We provide you with a 100% secure online platform and mobile app, along with management and advertising tools and state-of-the-art technology that allows you to collect and control sales, while linking to thousands of customers on a daily basis.
Fill out the incorporation form.
Health Permit
Photos of both sides of the legal representative's ID card.
If you want to start now, download the app, click here to contact us, and create your account to sell with us.
Customers pay with the amiPASS app that they download on their phone (you can download the business version of the app). For this reason, you do NOT need to lease any equipment, and there are NO fixed costs for your business if you choose to work with us.
amiPASS pays you for the sales your business receives. You must issue an invoice for the total amount of sales made at your location using our system. After receiving the invoice, we will pay you within the agreed-upon time frame. If you do not issue an invoice, amiPASS will do it for you.
Billing and payment questions
On the first days of each month, amiPASS will send a summary of your sales to
the email address you have provided. In this summary (called a
"proforma"), you will be able to find all the information you need to issue an
electronic invoice to amiPASS for the total amount received.
Once the invoice has been received and processed, you will be paid within the timeframe that was agreed upon when enrolling in our system.
The electronic invoice must be sent to dteamipass@desis.cl in XML format in order to be received by SII, registered in our system and paid later.
Remember that if you do not issue an invoice, amiPASS will do it for you.
If your business does not issue an invoice, amiPASS will do it for you.
In this case, amiPASS issues a purchase invoice, withholds the VAT and declares it.
After that, amiPASS issues a commission invoice and sends the document to your registered mailing address.
The “proforma” is an itemized sales report from amiPASS.
It will be sent to you automatically via email within the first days of every month. You also have the option to receive it every 2, 7, 15 or 30 days, if requested.
In this report, you will be informed of the exact amount for which you must issue the invoice as well as all the necessary information to be able to do so.
No, you do not have to provide a receipt. If you did, you would be paying double the VAT.
Go to https://www.amipass.com/ and enter your business’s RUT and password. Then, select ACCOUNT STATUS. The pending “proforma” will be highlighted in yellow.
After we receive the invoice, you will be paid within the timeframe agreed upon when enrolling in our system. The commission invoice is discounted from the your invoice total when you are paid.
Sales and advertising questions
The following types of advertising are available:
- Digital graphics which you can print and paste at your business and/or upload on your website or social media.
- The customer's amiPASS app will show the name of your business, the type of food you offer and how to get there via GPS.
- Your business may be mentioned on social media, showing your logo and the food you offer.
- Customers get sent notifications of the promotions you are offering (the bigger, the better).
Payment and legal questions
It’s not a contract, it’s a commercial agreement that does not bind you to a definite time amiPASS. . To do this, you must get in touch with amiPASS customer service and let them know that you would like to unenroll.
No, there are no fees associated with unenrolling your business from amiPASS.
No, customers use their own cellphones to pay, and businesses have the option to download the business version of the app to manage payments. Any available smartphone can be used.
Once you are part of amiPASS, you will be given access to the training platform, where you can find all the tutorials you need to be able to sell, operate and resolve any problems which you may have. Feel free to share the information with your staff.
amiPASS will make payments to any type of account.
These are the following ways to verify the customer payments:
- In the business app, click on the “Sales” option, amiPASS..
- Both you and the customer will receive a proof of purchase in the mail.
- With your credentials, you can access www.amipass.com where you can find both the daily and overall sales of your store.
To sell with amiPASS, all you need to do is fill out the requested information on the form we provide.
- Debes descargar la app amiPOS
- Complete the requested information we require to reimburse you for the sales you make to customers.
- The information we request has to do with the bank account where we will reimburse you, your address (so that customers can see that you accept amiPASS), the type of business it is, among other things.
- In only 5 minutes, you can begin receiving payments through amiPASS.
amiPASS promotions
- You can create discounts on your menu or on the products you offer, as well as create combos and deals for your customers on amiPASS.
For more information: click here to contact us,
You can create percentage discounts, total purchase discounts, or simply discount on one or more of your products for your amiPASS customers.
For more information: click here to contact us,
You may offer pre-assembled boxes in 4 different sizes with the products of your choice for your customers to buy directly on amiPASS.
For more information: click here to contact us
¡Desde ya bienvenidos! Registra tu empresa y empieza a disfrutar el beneficio de alimentación con amiPASS rellenando los datos solicitados here.
With amiPASS you can cover all corporate food expenses: lunches, coffee breaks, meetings, catering for training events, birthday celebrations etc.
With amiPASS, you will not only get tax savings - you will also be able to reduce revenue management time thanks to our 100% online platform. Click here, to get an estimate of how much you’d save on taxes.
amiPASS has a wide network of stores throughout Chile. What’s more, thanks to our digital payment technologies, we can affiliate those businesses that your company needs in record time. We adapt to meet the client's needs.